Back from Wei Ting's dance concert not too long ago. Hip hop isnt my type. Saw some kid doing jumpstyle after that. Fast kid. Following, supper at KAP. Ate a burger, must cut down more again. Rather sleepy.
Been an unproductive week, didnt do any work at all, honestly, i learn more things while doing self study than homework. But i'll still do it anyway, wish Mr Lim will be more lenien, the way he does things doesnt suit me. Tensing up because of finals isnt going to help, its just going to stress people. Just because we do well for your record and do not drop to normal doesnt mean it helps us. Some people need to follow the pace of normal. Flaming him isnt going to help anyway. I got other things to worry about besides studies and teachers. Feeling hostile. Just waiting for something to happen.
Anyway for the rest, i want to encourage you to study for your finals and do well therefore
"Live life like you know when you're leaving"
Yeah, off to sleep now. Have a good day at school or work or even home tomorrow. Good Night.