Monday, September 27, 2010

Assume there is a constant in our lives.

Thus, there are also thing in our lives related directly proportioned and inversely proportioned.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Foreign langauge

Tomorrow is Chinese B Oral. Its all Greek to me, ironically, I'd probably do better in Greek, given the chance to learn it.

Got to learn to focus. Not only on studies. Awesome theories ftw.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

When bored people talk.

Timothy (27 days) says:
Go jc fail only siol
Nobody says:
where got wahsehsiol one
Timothy (27 days) says:
Nobody says:
its like
wah sehhhh
Timothy (27 days) says:
new work
Nobody says:
if you wah seh siollll then the seh no point alr mah
Timothy (27 days) says:
Wah siol
Or Wah seh
Nobody says:
wah sehhhhh
then when you wah seh siolll its overkill
Timothy (27 days) says:
Going to quote
Nobody says:
quote to who?
Nobody says:
you need to add that i won
Timothy (27 days) says:
Nobody says:
with my infallible thesis
at the end

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In response,

How true.

"Hope is doing as much as you can and hoping for something in which you have no power over. For something which you have power over but decide not do, is foolishness."

Friday, September 17, 2010


After concluding being unable to please everyone, then who do you choose to please. Who are the priorities? Would you try to even out what you can give people nicely or do you show signs of being biased? Even if you do, who gets the priority?

According to some, we should always do what is most pleasing to God. And in that process, we please those who would seem to be the people who deserve higher priority. After all, they are the ones who are pleased when you are pleasing God, so surely they must be wiser than the rest.

Minghui writes about change be constant, which is true. Possibly every social earthly thing changes as time goes. However, should be embrace change or fight to keep things the way we want it. In my case, when change occurs, it never balances out. Its not as if something changes and good points and bad points are brought forth. Its more of something good changes to something bad and back to the former. Is it too the same for you?

Besides, do people need a constant in their life? Must we have something to anchor ourselves so we feel comfortable? Jesus is a constant, for sure, however he works in ways incomprehensible, so there would still be a feeling of change wouldn't there. But ultimately, all I want to know, is whether to embrace change or fight to keep things as before.

On a third unrelated note, I finished a book called "Have A Little Faith" by Mitch Albom. A good read. Application in life is never easy.

Feeling rather angsty today. I need to build patience. To give what I want to receive. Oh well. Rather tired, I'll probably sleep soon.

Goodnight dear reader.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fitting in.

Have you ever had the gut feeling that everyone hates you? Or at least almost everyone. Which then leads you to start thinking and reflecting on what could possibly have everyone hate you and after which, concluding that you're subconsciously annoying, although it wouldn't subconscious anymore as you'd probably watch what you're doing.

Soon after, you'd start thinking about what could possibly make you annoying and you'd probably come up with a few points, which would probably revolved around social attitude and response to peers and acquaintances. From about here, you'd pick out points about yourself that suck, for example, I picked out that I'm complacent and tend to do the wrong things at the wrong time.

After reflecting about it, chances are people would tell you oh, its alright. But then, these people are the people who love you for what you are, that happy, complacent, socially unaware person living in a bubble world. Thinking further, you'd realise that there are some people you absolutely loathe you for being what you are. So you'd think, should I change for them just as I did before, getting myself to what I am now. After a few hours you conclude:

I can't please everyone in this world.

So continues your wayward journey of finding qualities that can please the most people, after all, it seems you're living life for them which is what you should be doing, should you not?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hear those people cheering in that worship track you listen to?

Guess who they're cheering for.