Friday, January 15, 2010

Once again, i'm reminded of why i dislike photos. Sure they're great. I treasure some infact, but really, its just a memory that probably isn't the way it is in life. That's why we turn to them, comforting photos or memories. The past is the past, why do we look back and regret. But then again, How can we not look back and regret.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Unproductive day.

Bad day.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Some random pictures from US trip from Aaron's camera!

City Hall San Francisco!

Wanted to join these guys.

Somewhere along Union Square, its only 3-4pm and it was quite dark already haha


Metro ticket and hair.

UC Berkley

Mel zhao shot.

Davis, CA.

Pier 39 Fisherman's Wharf

Pier 39

As you probably can see, alot of good pictures are missing due to me not having stolen pictures from Mel or David yet, so wait abit.
If only postcards told the truth.

Schools started, back to the usual somewhat hectic life of schooling as a secondary school student. Weeks been passing rather fast. Much faster than the year before. Ofcourse, time is merely human perception. Somewhat starting to begin my revision for O Levels. Somewhat. Stuff to worry about. Rather distracted i must say. Oh well. Probably update another time.
