Friday, June 19, 2009


Went with the corp band to perform a few pieces for the British High Comm at Eden Hall. I understand how some people might think that the band should be used for spiritual things but personally if we were to play for the public, i'm sure people would be ministered somehow. If its meant to be that way, it will be i guess. Found the speech rather excellent. Food was delicious. Also, got a bar of Cadbury chocolate after the performance. Got to meet up with old friends too. A rather good day all in all.


Headed to sentosa with the most of the youth from the corp. Had a fun time with the Amazing race where we came in 2nd from the back. Captains ball on the beach and then had a swim to another island. From my lifesaving lessons, the thing youd want to watch out for in Sentosa would be Stonefishes. Get out of the water in 10min or youre dead, then get to a hospital in 1 hour or youre dead. D: Scary stuff heh. Well it was a good trip, Thank God for the good weather and the safety in the water. Barbeque for dinner and i stubbed my toe and got a SDP. Heh, shadows are fun. Unlike usual stay overs, i slept this one, rather boring sadly. Probably because of my toe. Woke up at 5.30 to have breakfast nearby, softboiled eggs for the win!


Woke up at 1pm and just nicely recieved a call from Glenn to go to peninsula shopping centre as he wanted to get something there. Got ready and met him at the MRT. Headed to check out a new Funz Centre (gaming shop) outlet, then walked all the way to peninsula where we found out Glenn's shop didnt open till 4 and it was only 3. Walked down to Shaw Tower when i got a sms from Yurong asking where i was. Well she works at peninsula plaza which is opposite Glenn's destination. Followed Glenn around and then met Yurong where we split again and i went to Thomson plaza while she went to MCYS to deliver something as it was part of her job only to meet back at corp to watch a movie. BangKok dangerous. Quite a nice show. Movie ended just in time for use to have dinner which was prepared by my mom and then go for Bang practice. Full dinner. As usual supper, only in the west, had nice kungfu panda chopstick fights haha.

I guess i'll end here. Friday, rather the same. Goodnight people
June 20 Saturday 1.30am

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