Monday, March 1, 2010

Just for the sake of:
Physics(C): 82% A1
Chem(C): 87% A1
Eng: 70% A2
DnT 76% A1
SS(C): ?
Biology: 69% B3
Hist(C): 78% A1
Math: 45% D7 (Updated 02/3/10)

(C) Means combined subjects. But i like them better seperate. It looks alot better. I think i'll flunk math, hence my probable L1R5 would be 15. Chui. Need to work on bio, One bloody mark. (Regardless, i still can get into where i want to go.)

Other than marks, life's been rather fine. Can't change much so you just have to bear with it. Not that bad. Doing fine.

Getting rather plump, i need to exercise more.

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